This month’s issue is all about Lemon! The phrase “When life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade” suggests we take something sour and make it sweet. And while there are times to have sweet medicine, Lemon’s sour medicine is actually beneficial and perfect just as it is. We’ll talk about the sour side of Lemon and how this is good for our digestive system and our body in general. Learn how to take this seemingly ordinary kitchen fruit and make some extraordinary herbal medicine.
In this issue we’ll explore all parts of the Lemon’s fruit (technically called a hesperidium which is a type of berry), using the pith, peel and juice in many ways. Come explore the less used side of Lemon for treating colds and digestive ailments, preventing dehydration and anointing yourself with sweet scents through games, puzzles, stories, songs and more!
Luscious Lemon Table of Contents:
Note to Parents
Supply List
Herb Spirit
All About Lemon
Herbal Glossary
Scramble, Search and More: Word Search, Circle the Energetics, Word Scramble, Action Word Split
Herbal Botany
Herbal Lore:
Songs and Poems: Ode to Lemon, Lemon: it’s For Whatever Ails
Herbal Recipes: Lemon Pith & Peel Extract, Lemon Bitters, Hot Lemonade, Lemon Face Mask, Lemon Sugar Scrub
Coloring Page
Herbal Crafts: Herb Pressing/Drawing, Secret Agent Ink, Lemon Enfleurage
Maze: Find your way through the Lemon
Journal: Write your thoughts, medicine making notes and other information about your month with Lemon
Crossword Puzzle
PDF digital file – 44 pages from Cover to Cover.
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