I’m 10 and I homeschool, I got Herbal Roots zine 2009, 2010, 2011 and January 2012 and it’s so fun all the mazes, games, crosswords, herbal lores, recipes and songs. Keep writing! 


Quebec, Canada

I love the Herbal Roots zines. I am learning about herbalism with Amber Westfall in Ottawa and your zines are very helpful.


Age 7

Thank you for the great Art and Science of Botany Course. It was really fun and I learned a lot about art and botany. I really enjoyed the different art styles, my favorite was the lines on the stems to make them look round. My favorite drawing was the mullberry tree. The facts about the plants were alos interesting and helpfull. It was always the funnest thing in the school week. 

I also took the New to Herbs Course. It was helpfull and fun even though the plants don’t grow around here. I really enjoyed making the pocket herbarium and filling it. I really enjoyed both of your courses. Thank you for making them so great.

Ayla S.


I really liked your Art and Science of Botany Course. I think that it really helped me to improve in drawing and learn more about plants while being fun at the same time. It was always one of the things that I looked forward to at the start of every Friday. I really liked how you taught us the different techniques of drawing and shading and more. I felt like I really learned a lot of new stuff from the class. I also liked all of the facts and fun facts about all of the plants that you told us about. One of the memorable facts that I learned was that mold was a fungus. Overall, I learned a lot and really liked the class, and it was very memorable for multiple reasons. Thanks for being a great teacher!

Axel S.



I do Herbal Roots activities with homeschoolers and afterschool groups here at our public library. They really enjoy the things we do. Even the nettle pasta….they actually ate it and liked it! Yesterday we were working with sage that we harvested from the library garden. When I asked one little boy what the word HERB meant he said, “health.” These materials you are creating area a great service.

Heidi S.

Decorah, IA

Kristine, what a fabulous zine you’ve created!!!  I am so thrilled for and proud of you and your work and mission…truly remarkable.  And what great information and art you have filling the pages here!  I enjoyed reading every single page…Blessings to you!

Gail Faith Edwards

Herbalist, Blessed Maine Herbs

My daughter and I just started using your herbalrootszine this month. This is the most interested she has been in her homeschool studies. It’s great to see her so enthusiastic about a topic.



I was going to  download this and look it over, thinking I’d learn something about garlic. Well, to say that I did learn is an understatement! I’m only part way through it, but from what I’ve seen so far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the format, which I think will appeal to my children  and can’t wait to share it with them.   It will be a valuable part of their practical education in health.The beautiful font and artwork add to the appeal and give it the feel of a living book. I think we will save this for our “Fun Days” when we close the textbooks and learn and reinforce with games, etc.  Thanks Herbal Roots e-zine!

Mrs. R

United States

Your zine is excellent! A lot of hard work has gone into it. I am very pleased that I made a subscription to it. Your customer service is also top notch! Thanks for working with me. I can hardly wait to share with the kids.

Kate T.


I looked up your website because I finally decided to purchase the “Herb Fairy” program from Learning-Herbs. This program comes with your amazing “Herbal Roots E-zine” which is really a great compliment to the stories. In fact, personally I find it quite an essential part of them. A story can convey only so much about a plant. It will help memorize (I hope) some essential aspects. You take it further into the many facets and dimensions with games and actual information which is scientific, but explained for kids to grasp. I also like the way you lay out the questions for the different plants, where kids can learn the scientific terms- for  expectorant as example, but it is directly linked to the plant, and the term has just been explained in text. A really cool schoolbook. And games of course..and more games, and I love the art (smile)…You have done a great job on making Herbs kid friendly, and even I enjoy how you present all the information, which means a lot

Susanne B.H.

Hartford, CT

Probably the most important thing that can happen in the field of herbalism is that it be passed along, as it has always been, to younger generations.

In some places, not so long ago, a generation or two of us missed this, and we had to try and learn it all in our twenties and thirties.  It made us think that what we were doing was “alternative” instead of traditional, and we had to unlearn some things that a different paradigm taught us were unassailably true.
How much more natural to grow up learning about plants as medicines, and seeing the interdependence that is nature expressed in our daily lives?  Herbal Roots zine helps to achieve this; helps to make it easier for those of us who weren’t taught about herbs as kids to teach our children.  That it’s created by someone as cool as Kristine, who lives and breathes it, is the flower on top.
jim mcdonald

Herbalist, Herbcraft.org

Though directed at kids, Herbal Roots zine is IDEAL for adults.  I love how it keeps things simple, and I love the great, beautiful art.

You get to learn through information and recipes sure, but the REAL magic is in the PLAY…songs, poems, crafts, puzzles and stories. These are the oldest form of human learning. We’re hard wired for it, and this is why Herbal Roots Zine is the most effective herbal learning tool I have seen.

Kristine is an amazing artist and herbalist. As a mom of 4 kids, she has a true gift for connecting with kids.

Though my own children really love Herbal Roots Zine, secretly, it’s me who spends the most time with it. Shhhh.

John Gallagher, L.Ac

LearningHerbs.com and creator of Wildcraft! An Herbal Adventure Game

The information included on each herb is simple and experiential enough to entertain even very young children and in-depth and insightful enough to engage teens and yes, even us old timers. Personally, I find Herbal Roots to be an invaluable treasure in the homeschooling of our 10 year old daughter, Rhiannon. Which gives me a great excuse to read it myself. Even beyond parents, Herbal Roots Zine provides a great resource to any educator or caregiver hoping to find effective and easy ways to facilitate connection between children, the earth and the healing herbs.

Kiva Rose


If you haven’t checked out the Herbal Roots Zine then I highly recommend it. I use this monthly zine a lot with my young herbal apprentice Tova Rose. She loves the stories, songs and activities. I love being able to quickly create meaningful content for our weekly meetings.

Rosalee de la Forêt

Herbalist, Methow Valley Herbs, WA

No words can tell you how helpful you are to my family and friends!! Keep up the great work!! Love you dearly.

Mechelle G.


Thank you for all you do to share the magic of plants. I find your publication such a joy.

Rachel Y.


I really enjoy your website & Herbal Roots zine! My children love the puzzles , crafts and stories and I love to share my passion with them. It seems a miracle, when I had watched in dismay as my oldest became less and less interested in nature and a bit tired of tea, gathering herbs, and listening to mom drone on about why she had to eat that new thing on her plate instead of what’s been marketed to her .
You have shown me a new approach, one that children respond to in spite of themselves! The video game console still gets used, but we have bonded over our love for herbs and nature in a way I’ve only dreamed of. She has made tea blends to bring to her teachers and friends, and has respect and a protective heart for our plant allies and pristine wilderness we’re fortunate enough to have near to us.
Thank you for all you’ve taught me, and keeping me on track with your emails!


“You are offering a one of a kind very well done magazine. It is obvious a lot of thought, details, talent and love went in it!” – Miryam M., Canada


“I’m 10 and I homeschool, I got Herbal Roots zine 2009, 2010, 2011 and January 2012 and it’s so fun all the mazes, games, crosswords, herbal lores, recipes and songs. Keep writing! – Éléonore, Quebec, Canada


“This is such a fun e-zine everyone of all ages will just love it.” – Pamela W. American Falls, ID


“I am enjoying learning new uses for herbs all the time from this newsletter. Would you think I could have covered all this fantastic info during my nearly 73 years. Nope, stll learning. Love it keep it coming.” – Joanne L., Attleboro, MA


“Love this zine – only wish it had been around when my son was young!”- Sue K., USA


“It’s fun learning and teaching children about herbs with the stories, games, crafts, and recipes from Herbal Roots Zine!!!” – Cyndi H., USA


“The sustainable practices by which Kristine lives & works, contribute directly to powerful change for the better in this world !” – Kerrie W., OR


“I heard about you through Herb Companion. I admire your beautiful ways of teaching young people about the plants. Many Blessings to you and your journey. I am grateful that there are people like you making a difference in the world.” – Margina J., CA


“I am SO glad I came across you through Herb Companion! We printed off the free issue from last year and my daughter did the puzzles and took it with her to her doctor’s appt and told him that we were going to put dandelions on her eczema! Haha! It was cute!” – Shawni V.C.


“Thanks for making this lovely zine!We just subscribed and started with Plantain, from 2009, cause we have lots of it in the yard, and just today, one of my sons said, “good thing we have plantain, isn’t it?” and another said, “the whole world is covered in plantain!”We’re enjoying it a lot.” – Libby J.


“My daughter (9) and I found your site and love it! She has decided learn about herbs for her home-school focus this year and this will be a perfect way to start! Thank you for your talents and ability to inspire children in this wonderful tradition!” – Kate


“I love Herbal Roots I love Herbal Roots I love Herbal Roots!!! Thank you sister for such a wonderul zine…getting each new issue just lights up my day and I can’t wait to share it with Ian! (note to self…buy printer ink)…I just wanted to send a quick note of thanks, you are such an inspiration K, a groovy example of what we can accomplish when we follow our passion.  I’m glad you share your passion for herbs and their magic with the world…keep up the good work!” – Jane D., IL


“Great not-so-little magazine. Fun for the kids and lots of solid facts for anyone interested in “herb-y” stuff. Please keep ’em commin’. :)” – Linda, ID


“I love the way that the info here is presented. As an herbalist I am always looking for new ways to learn and to present info to my girls. This is simply great-for children and adults! Thanks- ” –


“just wanted to let you know that my grandchildren and i think the herbal roots is the most awesome learning tools and so much fun also! your creativity shines through hon! we will certainly be getting every issue and i enjoy and learn from them also! these are keepsake treasures forever at my house! thank you so much for creating and sharing them!” – Leslie, IL


“Very cool! We love this and will be buying next months!” – Tamera, WA


“the kids are really excited about this! i really love this month and look forward to buying each month. thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world in such a fun way!” – Tabitha, MO


“It is absolutely wonderful, I was sure that it would be. Looking forward to next month’s issue already!” – Stephany, IA


“Truly wonderful!” – Amanda, PA


“Wow! This is so cool. Looking forward to going through it with the kids. My daughter is so into tea right now. She will love this. Thanks for making it. Hope you can keep it up.” – Alan, OH


“I really love it! The funny thing is that as an herbalist, I never have taken time to sit down and translate my knowledge into lessons for the kids. Now I don’t have to, thanks a bunch for saving me a lot of time.” – Stephany Hoffelt, Herbalist,  Naturally Simple, IA


“This is a great PDF for herbal learning with kiddos! I am so excited to explore this with the boys…a lovely monthly installment of herbal learning with your kids…” – Chris, MO


“Wonderful newsletter ~ Looking forward to next issue ~ Very satisfied ~ Thanks” – Joyce, NC


“Ahhh…Love. Love. Love. :)))” – Kat, GA


“So lovely, and such a great idea! I’m looking forward to working through the activities with my children. Will definitely buy the next issue as well!” – Jacquelyn, Canada


“Beautiful! My daughter just adores the fun artwork in this 🙂 Well written and recommended. Thanks again!” – Jacquelyn, Canada


“We love Herbal Roots! Lots of information, sweet illustrations, and entertaining, too. Great for families of all sorts (even grown-ups who want to study herbs)! Prompt delivery via e-mail. Thanks, and we look forward to more issues!” – Laura, IL


“Absolutely sweet. Rich pages full of handwoven love and tons of information. Great variety of ways to get to know your new plant ally throughout the month. Fun to do for both parent and kids. Well done, I recommend it!” – Ananda, CT


“Awesome! I’m so glad to have found such a great teaching gem….Thank you!” – Wendy, MI


“Great product! Saving my money to buy another. :)” – TSS, OH


“I love the way that the info here is presented. As an herbalist I am always looking for new ways to learn and to present info to my girls. This is simply great-for children and adults! Thanks-” Lara, WA

Herbal Roots Zine is a wonderfully adapted informative course for children to study herbs. It’s hard enough to find any books that are on a child’s level and interests let alone an entire year’s worth of classes. There are lessons, activities, and project planned out for the entire month that everyone in the family can help do and enjoy studying; this course can fit a wide variety of interests and ages.

Not only can you enhance the year with each lesson but you can re-use them whenever you chose. It’s a must have for any parent that is looking to educate their children about herbs. It’s a subject in our homeschool that not just the kids but I would hate to not have.

Thanks for making such a wonderful treat we can all treasure! – Ashley P., New York