About Herbal Roots zine LLC
Herbal Roots zine LLC started out of a need for myself and my children. Years ago, as I started gathering resources for homeschooling, I realized that herbal education for children was nowhere to be found other than a handful of books about the topic. I wanted an ongoing curriculum that would be fun and engaging, teaching kids about the medicinal uses of herbs in a way that would hold their interest. Back then, blogs were popular and I often read other homeschooling blogs. One day, I saw a blogger who had created a monthly activity book based on the seasons and an idea of how to create a curriculum became clear. I could create a monthly activity book for kids to learn about herbs. Remembering my favorite magazines as a kid (Highlights and Ranger Rick), I began writing down idea. And so, Herbal Roots zine was born…
Herbal Roots zine LLC started out as a monthly PDF file that was issued on the first of each month from 2009 to 2019. There are currently 131 ebooks (formerly referred to as issues) in the collection. Each ebook focuses on one herb and contains many activities to make learning about that herb a lot of fun. There are stories, crossword puzzles, mazes, crafts, recipes and much more!
If you are looking for a herbal course that is easy to understand and has the ability to teach children about herbs, look no further! Herbal Roots zine LLC is designed to raise the interest level of children and adults through hands-on learning and repetition. Homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike have found Herbal Roots zine LLC a valuable learning resource for a subject that does not have many opportunities available for children: herbal healing.
Meet The Founder
Kristine Brown, RH (AHG)
My love of plants began at a very young age. When I was 2, my family moved from town to the country, on a 14 acre farm. At 3 I got my first pony and spent most of my childhood on horseback, in our pond or in the woods exploring and building playhouses. I was fascinated with the wild plants that grew all around, often harvesting wild onion and other wild edibles to make foods to feed myself and my friends who dared try them. I credit my paternal grandmother with instilling this curiosity of the wild plants that grew as I spent many weekends with her, listening to her stories of eating dock leaves and smoking grape vines (don’t try this at home, kids, take my word for it, it’s not worth it).
I grew up, moved out of the house and went through several careers before returning back to the plants. After the birth of my first child, I started questioning health and how to be healthy more naturally. Echinacea was the first herb I used medicinally and drew me to herbalism. As I grew more interested in the plants, so did my garden grow. Eventually I returned to the (pseudo) country where I live with my partner and 4 of our children (2, including my oldest who spurred my desire to learn about herbs, are now grown), many chickens, turkeys, goats, sheep, cats and a dog plus numerous gardens and orchards. I eat, breath and sleep herbs on our tiny farmette.
Currently, I’m a practicing herbalist and homeschooling mother of 2 of our children. I have studied with Rosemary Gladstar of Sage Mountain and have spent countless hours of research and study through my own pursuit with great herbalists such as Isla Burgess, jim mcdonald, Matthew Wood, Leslie Alexander, Gail Faith Edwards, Kat Maier and more.
I offer consultations, teach medicine making classes to adults, offer herbal work shops for kids and run a monthly herbal study group, focusing mainly on locally found herbs, enabling the community to take control of growing and wild crafting their own medicine.
Teaching others about herbs is my focus with a passion on sharing my knowledge with children as they ARE our future!

Happy Customers & Buyers
Kristine, what a fabulous zine you’ve created!!! I am so thrilled for and proud of you and your work and mission…truly remarkable. And what great information and art you have filling the pages here! I enjoyed reading every single page…Blessings to you!