Lemon Balm – Issue 9


October’s issue is ready to roll! This month, you’ll learn all about sweet Lemon Balm, otherwise known as Melissa.

This issue is fun-filled with pages of lemony goodness! Crossword puzzles, word searches, word scrambles and stories plus learn to make lip balm, lemon balm infused honey and more!

La-la-la Lemon Balm, October 2009’s Table of Contents:
(revised 2021)

Note to Parents – Gives you ideas on how to use Herbal Roots Zine
Calendar – Keep on track with your daily herbal learning by following our suggested activities for the day. This is great for homeschoolers trying to incorporate Herbal Roots Zine into their daily lessons as well as schoolers trying to get a little herbal learning squeezed into their hectic schedules.
Herb Spirits
All About…Lemon Balm- Tells you all about Lemon Balm, uses, folklore, botanical names and more
Scramble, Search and More – It’s game time! Make learning fun. Repetitive activities help to reinforce formal learning. Unscramble the words and then use the unscrambled words as clues for the word search.
Herbal Lore: The Delight of Lemon Balm
Songs and Poems – Songs are a great way to get information stuck in your head. Learn the Lemon Balm song today and you’ll be singing it all month long while you learn. La La Lemon Balm, L-E-M-O-N-B-A-L-M
Herbal Recipes – Lemon Balm Infusion, Lemon Balm Extract, Lemon Balm Cookies, Lemon Drop Leaves, Lemon Sugar and Lemon Balm Infused Honey.
Coloring Page – Great for reinforcing what the plant looks like
Herbal Crafts and More – Herb Pressing/Drawing page, Make stick puppets and act out the Lemon Balm Lore, make Lemon Balm Lip Balm
How Many Words?
Maze – Help the butterfly find her way to the center of the flower
Herbal Journal – As always, a great place to record all your thoughts and trials with lemon balm.
Crossword Puzzle – A final game to play to test your knowledge of lemon balm
Resource Page – Gotta know where to find everything! Plus, a few suggestions for learning more about herbs in general: books, games and cards that are all excellent learning tools. And, if you want to know more about lemon balm, I’ve included links for further information.
Answer Pages

PDF digital file –  52 pages cover to resource page.


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