Cacao – Issue 83


Finally! The news you’ve been waiting for, Chocolate is good for you!!

Well, not just any chocolate so put away that Hershey bar! Before you dive into your leftover Halloween candy (is there any such thing?!) take a look at which chocolate is good for you and why.

This month we’ll talk about the pros and cons of chocolate and which type you should reach for when you need a mood lifter. Find out when and how chocolate can be good for your heart, your kidneys and your teeth!

A Campaign for Cacao Table of Contents:

Note to Parents
Supply List
Herb Spirit
All About Cacao
Herbal Glossary
Scramble, Search and More:   Word Search,Circle the Energetics, List the Vitamins and Minerals,Word Scramble, Multiple Choice
Herbal Botany
Herbal Lore: The Discovery of Cacao
Songs and Poems: Theobroma, Cacao
Herbal Recipes: Cacao Extract, Cacao Elixir, Spicy Cocoa, Cacao Infused Honey, Cacao Toothpaste, Mole Sauce, Raw Cacao Bar, Cocoa Chia Pudding
Coloring Page
Herbal Crafts: Drawing Cacao, Sew a Cacao Pod Pouch
Herbal Jokes and Puns
Maze: Can you find your way through the Cacao Pod?
Journal: Write your thoughts, medicine making notes and other information about your month with Cacao
Crossword Puzzle

PDF digital file – 52 pages from Cover to Cover.


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