I saw not one but a whole flock of Robins yesterday, returning from their migration to ring in spring. Before long, the chorus of peepers will resonate across the landscape as they come up from the depths of the nearby pond to greet one another and begin their mating ritual. Spring is right around the corner!
Left and right plants are emerging from their winter slumber and now is the perfect time to dig biennial plants such as burdock to harvest their nourishing roots. As a few tell tale leaves make their way to the surface, the ground is soft enough, often very muddy and perfect for digging deep to pull those taproots from their depths in the ground.
This depth is a great sign of a truly nourishing and tonic herb. Burdock digs deep to draw up minerals making his roots rich with them. Learn not only how you can use Burdock’s nourishing roots for medicine but his leaves and seeds as well!
REVISED Boisterous Burdock – March 2011’s Table of Contents:
Note to Parents
Herb Spirit: How Do You See Burdock?
All About…Burdock
Scramble, Search and More: Unscramble the Words, Word Search, Fill in the Blanks, Herbal energetics, Vitamins and Minerals
Herbal Lore: Burdock Gets Noticed
Songs and Poems: I’ve Been Harvesting Some Burdock, Roots
Herbal Recipes: Making a Burdock Root Tincture, Making a Burdock Seed Tincture, Making a Burdock Root Oil, Making a Burdock Seed Oil, Cooking Burdock Roots, Burdock Root and Brown Rice Casserole, Cooking Leaf and Flower Stalks, Sprouted Burdock Seeds
Coloring Page
Herbal Crafts and More: Harvesting Burdock Seeds, Drying Burdock Roots, Drying Burdock Leaves, Press a Leaf/Sketch, Burdock Leaf Stepping Stones, The Invention of velcro
How Many Words?
Maze: Find your way through the Burdock leaf veins
Herbal Journal: Record your journey with Burdock
Crossword Puzzle
Resource Page
Final Pages
PDF digital file – 56 pages from Cover to Resource Page.
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