If a child is to keep his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.

-Rachel Carson

This time of year often casts a sense of wonder over children. The wonders of winter are upon many of us and often bring back our own memories of childhood. 

Watching snowflakes fall from the sky, sticking their tongues out to catch a flake, laughing when a large flake lands on their eyelashes.

Icicles hanging along the edge of a roof can provide hours of entertainment, from breaking them off and watching them shatter on the sidewalk to eating them like popsicles.

Building snowmen and snow forts and snowballs. Sledding and snowball fights. Snow angels in the snow.

Sliding on a frozen pond. Chopping a hole in the pond to see how deep the ice is.

So much fun and joy! Even we adults still enjoy these activities (once we get past the grumbling of how cold it is and bundle up before trudging outside).

Such wild and joyous activities often warm our hearts but chill our bones so when it’s time to head back inside, have a warming cup of Spicy Hot Cocoa waiting. Marshmallows are optional!

It’s so delicious, you’ll want to make this recipe a winter time tradition.


Spicy Hot Cocoa

1 quart water
3 – 3” cinnamon sticks broken up
3 slices fresh ginger root
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/3 cup honey
1 pinch cayenne
Freshly whipped cream
Powdered cinnamon

Place the cinnamon sticks and ginger root in a pot with the water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 4-5 minutes then turn off.

Add the honey, cayenne and cocoa and stir until mixed together. Pour into mugs and add a dollop of whipped cream to each mug. Sprinkle with powdered cinnamon.

Best served next to a warm fire.

This warming cocoa will warm the extremities, boost the immune system and delight the taste buds of all ages.


What wintertime activities do your children have a sense of wonder about? What activities do they draw you in to a sense of wonder of? Are you able to see these activities through your inner child’s eyes? What traditions do you have for both wintertime play and warming up activities? We’d love to hear about them, share with us on our website or Facebook page!