I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-Roses and with eglantine. William Shakespeare Much poetry and literature has been written around the deceptively beautiful...
WalnutGreen hullsHealing, purging, dyeingFew know of thisMedicine You’ve probably sampled Walnuts in salads or cookies. The nut meat is prized for eating and is also pressed to create Walnut butter, which is similar to peanut butter, or Walnut oil, which can be used...
Poke root harvest can be hard to doThose roots grow big – almost as big as you.How to dig it? Can it really be done?Your best bet is to wait for a rain, not earth baked in the sunLet that ground get soggy then start to dig it outDig and dig around it, then tug...
rootslong, thicknourishing, toning, cleansingslow, steady, takes time.tonic Burdock is quite useful. His roots, also known as Gobo, are used as a vegetable. Is it any wonder since he contains Calcium, chromium, cobalt, inulin, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus,...
The renowned EchinaceaWhen taken right awayStimulates immunityKeeps a cold at bayThis purple daisy flowerHas roots infused with graceSuch antiseptic powerIt’s coming in first place!Native to North AmericaThe Indians used this herbFor snake bites and rabid dogIts...
Marshmallow, MarshmallowLots of roots, useful rootsSoothes the inflammation,Since the ancient EgyptiansExpectorant, demulcent,Heals wounds, diuretic When you hear “marshmallow” you might possibly be envisioning that white fluffy treat that is often melted over a...