Herbs of sunshine warm and brightHerb of skin care, healer’s delightSuch healing power received from you One of Calendula’s common names is pot marigold. There is another plant known as marigold too, which has a genus name of Tagetes. Though they are not related, they...
Elderberry is so very, extra-ordinary that she must be (surely) part Fairy! Lore abounds for this elegant bush! Folklore around the world connects Elder with protection from evil spirits and bad luck, as well as many nature spirits such as dryads and fairies. The...
Peppermint is good for what ails In the tummies of girls and males If something’s feeling funny Infuse and add honey I promise it never fails! What would summer be without a little Peppermint? Minted ice tea is a popular refreshing drink that many enjoy. Peppermint...
Lifting,Eraser of tension,Mood enhancing herbObliteratesNervousness and Banishes colds, flus andAnxiety whileLeaving one feelingMellow Lemon Balm is a well loved plant that is grown in gardens around the world. This plant’s sweet, lemony scent and taste are delicious...
The weather has been just lovely! For most, school’s out for the summer and it’s time to celebrate! So, why not throw a herbal flower tea party to welcome in the summer festivities? It’s fun and easy to create a flower tea party environment! All you need are a lot of...
Cleavers growing in the yard,Tangled, sprawling all aroundOh, those itchy, scratchy stemsMake them easy to be found. Cleavers will often find you before you find it! That’s because it has fine hooked hairs that grab onto anything that moves by it, including the fur of...