Last week I talked about starting to plan your herb garden and lessons for the year. I shared how to decide which plants to decide to grow and options for how to grow them. And how to start gathering resources for both your garden and lesson plans. This week I’m going...
February finds me wistfully longing to plunge my hands into the soil and starting my garden for the year. It’s also a time when kids are bored and tired of being cooped indoors. Harness this energy and plan out what you’ll grow and learn about this year!...
With August already here, many homeschooling parents are in the deep throws of planning the school year ahead. I have been there! Picking and choosing which curriculums to go with. Deciding what topics to cover. Pouring through online resources to decide which to...
I’ve seen those picture perfect social media accounts. You know them, the ones that make you feel like a failure as a parent! The ones that make you feel like you shouldn’t even bother trying because you’ll never be even close to giving your kids that kind of learning...
Nettles are so well known, that they need no description; they may be found by feeling, in the darkest night. -Nicholas Culpeper Cursed for his nasty sting, Stinging Nettles, also referred to as Nettles, may take some getting used to but knowing how to harvest and...
The Native Americans rate Yarrow as one of their most important herbs and with good reason, Yarrow has many uses, as you’ll soon discover! Yarrow is related to Asters such as Echinacea, Dandelion, and Chicory, to name a few. Yarrow’s botanical name is Achillea...